Linearity 0.99 R2 Response Time 0.03 - 2 sec Output Rate 0.5 Hz to 16 Hz(free running)software controlled
External 9 – 28V DC Isolated
Power <600mW
Connector SubConn MCBH6F Communications The instrument will operate in real time, with set up performed by
direct communications with a PC before deployment.
RS232 | RS485 2400 - 230400 baud rate
8 data bits | 1 stop bit | No Parity | No Flow Control
USB: supplied cable and converter (RS232 to USB) RS485 Modbus RTU(standard)
19200 baud rate
8 data bits | 1 stop bit | Even Parity | No Flow Control
Software Valeport Configure software is supplied. Windows 10 software for
instrument setup.
Materials Titanium with glass window Depth Rating 6,000m Dimensions 40mm? x 179.5mm (including connector) Weight 0.50 kg (in air)0.26 kg (in water) Operating Temperature -5°C to 35°C(the sensor is damaged above 60°C)